
Sabtu, 06 November 2010

gray and white memory

Memory White GrayByMuhammad Teguh Asep SuandiJanuary 4, 2010, 12:57Love, it is a classic problem that often the burden of my thoughts, my experience of love is not so good but also not so bad. To me high school is the most beautiful, because this is where my role as a teenager can be optimized, this is where I explore the little by little ability I have.Moving again to the issue of love, one of the first song had become a trend that was delivered by the band group changcuters "poison woman of the world" does not fully trust. Many fond memories of love that go through with all the emotion blue love stories of adolescence. Courtship first began when the junior high school, really love monkeys .... girls who either lucky or lose my time with him named Yuyun Yunengsih dating, dating menjalali during the days of late school into special memories. The experience that I think is funny when I was now 20 years. bete ah .... yes again later ... ga mood again ...bye bye ...His moods behind ya, where ya sampe ...? nginget2 first moment .... mmmm ..... Yup, msh forget,,,, ga Yuyun actually very beautiful, was pretty ...... stature is consistent with me, how so cute .. heeMasa long courtship that ga ga is probably what makes an interesting impression of him ... it happened to still love monkeys ....... yuyun enough so the story until here ... ga sampe need pages and pages of pages maybe even hundreds of pages (gak Animashaun) ... this is the end of yuyun stories ..last Oya q dapet sms from papi in Cirebon, I think papi tu sms forward to no q, the content is there a signature that reads yuyun Ozi ... May be already married yuyun time yes ...? hopefully aja deh,, so families who sakinah, mawaddah and warahmah, .. amen ... First sempet kesel sebernernya,'ve long since lost contact smp in widths of 2007 he happened to be a reunion nah deh dapet tuh no dr q another friend's apartment, from which q bs msh assess if yuyun like ... May be still dear jg ... hihiihi ... so era,, ga donk first thank diputusin so aja .. q openly ga say he could be back lg sm ... and the most severe,, blm first chance he got Hp tu apa2 if there is no sympathy sms to papi q,,,, well mess ... less tamarind also turns out ... consequently could only smile yuyun tu pas interrogated anyone ...? huft ...I do not know how the story ... q forgotten ... hehe ... yuyun sms2've g more ... mudah2an the've forgotten in the sense he's ga-ngjar ngjar trus ... (Thief x ye ..) hee ... despite only making memories ni q laughing as she smiles when wrote it not clear ... but rather was it was counted as nostalgia .... once ngilangin bete ...stop-stop-stop .....continues to cewe beikutnya ... evi praviawati name,,, girl born aikmeil homeland area southeast who later grew up in bali ... island of the gods of immense charm ... hmm ...enyak3 ... (Lho. ......) love story is actually lazy to write .... q especially with the possibility of who owns the same laptop armies of ex-class children 1F BSI Bekasi on reading ....huuuuu big risk nih ... life is at stake ... (bngt dramatize the hell ..) but for you I would ....gak ... ok the story begins when two high school class ... hmmm time of arrival q class of new students, he called the last tu disebutin praviawati evi ... Seeing first regular aja,,, the second Seeing,,, still common aja,, the third time Seeing ... was still normal aja ...Seeing that the fourth time ... er was still plain aja ... ahahahaha ... cuy calm, love comes easy g ga easy also for go ... but just calm her two-two picked up and also ga ga .... dianter hihihihihi ...connect time in bali evi ga sunda can speak the language, the only language that unites us is the Indonesian .... hurray ... lucky .. Evi stature tall, white, who was also pretty sure,,,, kalo disamain same rich artist Nadia Saphira ... sure was sworn ... saucy bener,,, smpe now msh cntik hell,,, different short've really sm q,,, ugly,,, items,,, idup lg ... hiks ... T_T 'ok, an introductory session begins ... attack after attack kulancarkan ...increasingly familiar,,, was fun also make friends with him ... friendly person, disconnected trus kalo talk to him fairly broad view,,,, Oya subjects he likes most Indonesian,, waw,,, solid argument,,, especially if listened to him speak in front of the class .... already salivating a lot x. ... hee ....Evi first chance secretary q, qt dlu SM2 join the Scout Movement in High School ...secretary get-rich dream what he ... ya allah gusti .... because the organization more and more time for both of us,, ga both hell actually,,, sm other members as well ... hee .. Dlu favorite event so there is the camp he had to come tuh,, klo pengen bnget he went ga tu aja dibatalain camp event .... just say his lack of funds are less ... kalo ga rebes .. hehe ..But lucky, there is evi always came bgt camp program .. and it turns out he also likes outdoor activities ... hmm,,, MKN nice ... very often we both rain ... others deliberately q first order ... hehe ... (Look for the opportunity ..) already wealthy Indian film songs but unfortunately there ga ... which is the same sound of thunder ... lightning Bonfire event so definitely be the most anticipated events,,, warmth created combined with the sweet smile ... so sweet ... billions of stars form a panorama of the night sky glowed ...beautiful,,,, we sat together to enjoy the warm atmosphere of mixed cold outdoor mala,,, looking at each other and threw a smile ... it feels like time stopped for a moment,,, hmm .... occasional laughter coming from the mouth of sweetness ... more and more warm night chat, talk the future is most evi liked ... Sometimes we threw each other a little argument with the debate ...Evi ... thank you for having scraped a beautiful love these hearts,,, huek ... jd Animashaun,,, se q guns that his sense when he know .... so sweet ...

sory, translate nya agak ngaco... hehee